Friday, April 04, 2008


Here at Arabian Facebuster, we haven't held back in pointing out or pulled any punches in disparaging the listless, directionless, ludicrous, non-wrestling focused, and all-n-all lackluster state of WWE programming in recent months years. Therefore, in the interest of full disclosure, I want to give the devil its due and *swallows pride* commend the WWE for this past Monday's edition of RAW, anchored by a genuine, poignant, classy, unforgettable, and richly deserved tribute to the storied career and legacy of "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

From Randy Orton's promo directed at those naysayers (that would be us) that did not give him a chance to retain his title at WrestleMania, to a couple of totally solid, back-n-forth ten minute wrestling matches between Jericho-Punk and Orton-M. Hardy, to what looks like a *gasp* actual push for the high-flying/daredevil team of Kendrick and London (or perhaps finally pulling the trigger on a heel turn for Kendrick), to blowing off the whole Santino-Maria quarrel (albeit inexplicably with Maria having the last laugh/going over in a wrestling match), to making me want to see a Batista-Michaels program based on nothing more than a brief backstage stare down and their well documented ties to and affinity for Flair, to the surprisingly entertaining Big Shew-Khali confrontation that will inevitably result in a series of plodding, sloppily executed, horrendous matches, to Flair's contented promo thanking the fans for their support over his career and bidding them a heartfelt farewell, to the Four Horsemen reunion (and my favorite rendition of that stable/franchise, at that), to appearances by the likes of Race, Steamboat, and Valentine to honor both Flair the performer and Flair the man, Monday Night RAW was filled with segments that make me proud to be a fan of THE professional wrestling.

Oh, and Cryme Tyme returned.

1 comment:

Apollo Spas said...

Damn, it sounds like I missed a RAW for the ages. Curse my hung-over self for not strutting over to th' Farmer's Barn to celebrate my non-losing Mania picks! How I would have liked to be there, malt beverage in hand, witnessing the tender reunion of the classic Horsemen, the wrasslin' prowess of Jericho/Punk, the...

Fucking CRYME TIME?!?!?!?!

I'm going back to bed.