That's Bill on the left, Randy on the right. Yes, I actually know which one is which. Jealous?
For a more recent picture of the brothers Mulkey, click here.
Last Mulkey related item for your consideration..."Beautiful" Bobby Eaton recounts a story of The Midnight Express facing off against the Mulkey's that warrants copying and pasting:
No joke, "Mulkeymania" was a real thing in North Carolina. When Stan and I were together, the Mulkeys were incredibly popular. Normally, when we wrestled guys like the Mulkey Brothers, it was for TV, so you tried to beat them as quickly as possible.
Well, one night, we were scheduled to fight them at a house show. It was at the height of their popularity, and the crowd was going nuts for them. So, Stan and I decided to give the fans their money's worth. We decided that instead of beating the Mulkeys in less than five minutes like we usually did, we were going to pound them for forty minutes before pinning one of them.
Well, aside from the Mulkeys probably never having wrestled more than five minutes before, they were both in terrible shape. They smoked and I don't think they did any cardio work. So, after ten minutes, they were completely blown up. You know how a wrestler drags himself across the ring to tag his partner after a beating? Well, the Mulkeys were doing that ten minutes into the match just from being completely winded. They were literally crawling after ten minutes just from being tired. Stan and I were hysterical.
Finally the Mulkeys have returned to Arabian Facebuster!
So, where can I get one of those MulkeyMania T-shirts?
PNG: I wish I knew!
Interesting factoid of the day: if you type "Mulkeymania" into google, Arabian Facebuster comes up as the third result.
Come on folks, we CAN do better!
It's the #1 result now. Long live Mulkeymania!
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