What took them so long?
The claim describes various salacious acts of negligence and malfeasance by the named parties, acts that have been carefully recorded, muckraked, and vetted by your very own Arabian Facebuster staff...although surprisingly there was no mention of bedside pinching.
Most distraught about this whole situation? Why that would be Brooke Hogan, who was NOT named in the complaint and therefore needs to find another vehicle for getting her new boobies and played out grill coverage in the supermarket tabloids and interweb celebrity gossip sites this week. Looks like its time to go to Plan B...having sex with former best friend's Christine Plante's father.
Ah, revenge fucking. Is there any problem that it can't solve?
1 comment:
"Apollo, tell these others what is best in life."
"To crush yr enemy. To see him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women."
"And also beer."
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