Being courted by your father should be sufficiently scandalous to earn Brooke gossip rag coverage and paparazzi attention for at least a couple of weeks.
Update: As it turns out this spandex clad, sturdy-chinned looker is not Brooke Hogan. Nor is it Linda after completion of an aggressive plastic surgery regimen and ingestion a five year supply of HGH in one sitting. Or for that matter, Nick Hogan in drag. Regardless of who he/she turns out to be, to Hogan's credit, compared to ex-wife Linda and skanky former Brooke BFF Christiane Plante (terrible name, btw), he's dating up...so, uh, at least he's got that going for himself.
Later Update: I have been informed that the sociological classification of this phenomenon is "upward dating mobility."
Who clued you in re: "upward dating mobility"? I've always suspected that Marty Kingston was a closet fan of the Facebuster...
Actually, I got an IM from Sunil Kukreja. He's a huge mark for all things Facebuster.
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