Cheers to Malibu for winning our Second Annual WrestleMania Sweepstakes! As a reward for your prescient selections, Mr. Sands, the rest of us here at Arabian Facebuster now owe you a full case of value-priced domestic swill. Cheers as well to the WWE, for putting on a high quality show that for once surpassed our expectations. Seriously, that Ric Flair/HBK match had us squealing like a bunch of schoolgirls. Bravo!
So anyhoo... about that One Night in Chyna bet... I could have made more correct picks flipping a coin. Good times, good times... Boy, could you imagine if I really had to watch that travesty? What's that? You're actually going to hold me to this!?! C'mon, have pity on my soul! Are you really willing to stand by as I risk irreversible sexual dysfunction? You are!?! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!! Shot with my own gun...
Well meanies, barring any last minute intervention by Amnesty International, you can look forward to my video review in the months to come. And if I ever propose one of these stupid bets again, please punch me in the face.
1 comment:
Months!?!? Why not days?
Seriously though, I am frightened by the prospect of raising the stakes ever further come next WrestleMania. Why do I have the feeling that next year's loser will be obligated to have sex with Chyna?
359 days and counting...
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