Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Larry Nelson Yelling and Pointing

Thanks to the zombies in charge of after hours programming at espn cLASSIC, the same folks responsible for bringing you thrice a day reruns of Arli$$ and that epic clash between the Baltimore Stars and the Oakland Invaders for 1985 USFL supremacy, I've spent an inordinate amount of valuable time and precious Arabian Facebuster blog space the last couple of weeks waxing nostalgic about the American Wrestling Association. During this time, I have developed what molecular biologists refer to as a bit of a "man crush"on ring announcer/interviewer Larry Nelson.

To those cynical scientists I retort, "with good reason." Everything this man aims his quivering microphone in the vicinity of seemingly turns to gold...pure, malleable, snortable gold!

Unfortunately, clips of Larry practicing his craft are few and far between on the infotainment superhighway. Drawing upon an arsenal of Boolean operators and advanced search parameters, I was able to unearth the following gem. Short and sweet -- just like the lines Nelson probably snooted up his nose before the filming of this segment commenced -- this clip (circa 1988) features a shaggier than usual Nelson interviewing Baron Von Raschke. But before the 78 year old Baron can finish failing miserably at trying to look infuriated and imposing, Soldat Ustinov -- whose wrestling *cough* talents *cough* place him squarely in the bottom 10% of bald Soviet commie antagonists in professional wrestling's xenophobic and caricature rich history -- knocks the Clawmaster out cold from behind and drapes a Russian flag over his torso.

I'll let Larry take over from here.

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