Interior Hospital, Day.We find Hulk conducting a vigil at the bedside of John Graziano.
Hulk: Come on, brother, you just gotta open your eyes, dude.
Hulk reaches out a trembling hand and pinches John on the arm, hard.
Hulk: Little dude? Little dude? Come on, brother, Nicky's counting on you!
Hulk: My little boy can't go to court, brother! Now listen here, dude... (pinch) you've gotta take your vitamins... (pinch) say your prayers... (pinch. A welt begins to form.) You're only as comatose as you feel, brother(pinch), and dude(pinch), brother(pinch), man(pinch), dude (pinch) what are you gonna do when pinch-a-mania runs wild on you?!
Hulk pinches John five times in rapid succession, growing more aggravated after each pinch. Finally he collapses, sprawling over John's torso.
Hulk:(weeping) Nicky, dude. What are we gonna do, brother? What are we gonna do-hoo-hoo? Little dude, my little dude, my little dude.
The force of Hulk's sobbing shakes the hospital bed. Enter Nurse.
Nurse: Mr. Bollea? What are you doing?
Hulk:(jolts upright) Nothing! Er... just trying to comfort this little Hulkamaniac, here.
Nurse: Well, he can't hear you, Mr. Bollea. All he can do is blink and get pinched (glares meaningfully at the angry welt on John's arm).
Hulk: Just a minute, sister dude! I heard this little dude's gag reflex is working!
Nurse: Sir, one of the orderlies was watching a tape of your cage match against Lex Luger. Mr. Graziano may be in a coma, but he's still human.
Hulk resumes weeping. Fade out.
1 comment:
I'm wiping a tear from my eye.
Sure hope we can secure the rights to "Hulkster in Heaven" for this scene:
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