Those concerned with a change in direction for Randy Orton need not fear. Rigorous IQ and adaptive testing results confirm that Randall will continue to receive his monthly $630 SSI check without interruption. This is more important than you might think. Seems that the Legend Killer's current daily wage of a Fudgesicle and two shiny quarters does not go far towards paying the rent at Reverend Von Fury's Home for Wayward Boys.
While this may not bode well for young Randy's dream of someday owning a firearm, the WWE Taskforce on Mental Health reports that there is a bright side. With continued adherence to his daily training schedule and plenty of of encouragement, Mr. Orton is expected to be lacing his own boots by the end of the year!
The oddity in the middle sort of looks like Jonathan Richman.
I'm 95% sure that Eugene was in the audience at my recent outing at the New Brighton Tri-City Legion.
And I'm 99% sure that I've going to have nightmares for years to come based on viewing that Portland Organic Wrestling photo.
Also, I swear that none other than Mr. Kennedy was eating a kobe beef burger at The Bulldog in Minneapolis on Saturday evening.
That is all.
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