As such, I did not witness the atrocity pictured here. I did, however, receive two critiques of the event from highly reputable sources. Our own Malibu Sands described it as "time-filling jibber jabber" and my darling Valerie (who watched it on some celebrity gossip site or other) found it "NOT FUNNY."
This comes as no suprise to me. When I consider the truly great comic minds of our modern era, I realize that not a man fucking jack of them works for a major wrestling promotion. Quite the opposite, in fact. While the cast of Stella take their place in the unemployment line, the Wrasslin' Masterminds churn out Michael Richards imitations and sub-par Jackassery. This faux Trump-Rosie feud is just the icing on a very unfunny cake.

Not to be confused with this guy over here, who actually IS a very funny cake, and deserves better than to be involved in this ridiculous angle.
1 comment:
You've got to give the WWE braintrust credit, they sure know how to pick out a delicious looking cake.
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