Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Harley Race, Bring Back the Bounty!!!

For Ric Flair is pushing me, pushing the Facebuster Nation, and probably pushing you further than we've ever been pushed before. And like you Mr. Race, we don't care who eliminates Flair from professional rasslin' -- Paul Jones and his formidable WHOLE ENTOURAGE OF PEOPLE...Dick Slater...Jack Brisco...um....hmmm....oh, jeez how about....KABUKI even...just as long as (a) it is a living human being, (b) the job gets accomplished in an effective timely fashion, and (c) the death date can be verified and viewed on Flair's tombstone.

So what are you waiting for.

Somebody...anybody...take Harley's damn money already!!!

And I'll throw in an extra $25k of my own money* if you take out this man while yr at it.

*I don't have $25k of my own money.

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