Thursday, February 28, 2008

WSX: Where Are They Now? (Part Six)

Months after the whimper-not-a-bang demise of MTV's garbage-y spinny-flip-fest WSX, a bunch of the cats involved seem to be trying to "One Night Stand" their way back into the spotlight by reviving Xtreme Pro Wrestling... which, if yr keeping score, means they're ripping off the comeback show of the federation they were originally ripping off, AFTER their second ripoff failed. That's a lot of offripping!

Juding by the talent on display, they're turning the spinny-flippy WAY down for this one, and putting the focus back on suicidal spots and insane hardcore bloodletting. Whatever. The greatness of ECW was that it managed to transcend the "hardcore" niche with riveting storytelling and excellent ringwork, but its legions of imitators tend to focus solely on stacking barbed wire flaming tables on top of electricfied shark tanks.

So, here's this thing... nice to see Sabu working again, and Vampiro and Kaos tend to "bring it" in a fairly acceptable way. Sandman looked pretty washed up during his WWECW stint, and I can't imagine New Jack still has anything left in the tank. Oh, and a quick trip to th' XPW website reveals that this event has a whopping seven hundred (!?) tickets for sale, so all you shmozz-lovers better get hopping.

1 comment:

Malibu Sands said...

Supreme looks like the mutant offspring of Taz(z) and The Boogyman...if that sort of thing were physically possible.