His estranged wife will soon be taking him to the fucking cleaners.
The fine folks at TMZ have once again provided us with a life-enriching dose of shadenfreude, reporting that the second-least-leathery member of the Clan Bollea (pictured here out shopping with her idiot son, who happens to be the Number One Least Leathery family member) has finally tapped out of her marriage to freedom-hating terrorist Hulk Hogan. She filed for divorce on November 20.
Subsequent rumormongering states that the Hogans have been effectively separated since June, with Nick Hogan's recent cataclysmic bout of high-speed idiocy adding straws to the back of the critically-overloaded camel that was the Hogan Marriage. Your Beloved Arabian Facebuster, of course, scooped the whole tawdry, publicity-generating tale back in April.
Can this marriage be saved? Will Hulk take time out from pinching coma patients and whoring out his failed popstar daughter to interrupt Linda and Nick's alimony-fueled shopping sprees? Does anyone give a fuck? And will Paramount ever return our calls about the script for our Hulk Hogan biopic Dirigible? Only time will tell, true believers... and Arabian Facebuster will be there to tell the tale!
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