Yeah, neither do I.
Therefore, in the interest of helping the Facebuster nation to relearn what near a decade of nights filled with bong hits of that sweet sweet kang, perfectly chilled can after succulent can of Schmidt's tall boys, badly burnt Jeno's pizzas (assorted varieties) and reruns of Thunder In Paradise in front of a grainy 12" Zenith helped us to so easily unlearn, I have attached a link to a philosophical quiz tailored made to Arabian Facebuster's sensibilities, a quiz that includes passages from the most brilliant and profound American philosophical mind since the passing of Allan Bloom -- The Ultimate Warrior.
See if you to identify which quote was spewed forth by the Philosopher Warrior, and which were penned by those pretentious Philosopher NORMALS. Post your carefully considered responses in the comments section. I'll throw the answer key up in a couple of days. This ain't college gentlemen...so no cheating!
Christ, just thinking about the writings of Martin Heidegger makes my head throb with actual brain activity. Time to blaze a fatty and find a jammin' drum circle and let the cranial stimulation just fade into oblivion.
Here goes nothing...by the way, my approach for doing this quiz was to quickly read over each quote and decide which quote (granted, taken out of context) seemed the most nonsensical or, if you prefer, bat shit crazy.
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b (This was a tough one!)
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. b (C'mon, the Warrior's got to hate that sissified silly pacifist shit...he's just got to!)
11. c
12. c
Hold off on the answers- I'll be back...
I just need a day to clear my head. Y'know, a little hacky sack, maybe some Wrestlemania the Arcade game. And some knife hits- definitely some red hot knife hits.
Ok, here's $80,000 at work:
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. b 11. c 12. c
Now back to YouTube to look for Carnie re-runs.
I said:
1. b
2. b.
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. a
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. c
12. b
All of which scored me a dismal fifty percent. Even more humiliating since I was still straightedge for most of college. Seems I've more than made up for it in post-graduate knife hits.
50% for me too.
The Warrior has forced me to face the harsh consequences of my self-"Destrucity".
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