Friday, June 01, 2007

Reason #15 to Depise Hulk Hogan

I hate to post two YouTube clips in one day, let alone log two entries that feature el diablo calvo, lest I be accused of uninspired blogging, but the campy thespianism on display in this clip warrants your immediate, undivided attention.

My favorite moment, hands down, has gotta be Hogan's declaration that "There's No Hulkamaniacs Here!" Somebody get me the number of the nearest Kinko's. I need 40,000 bumper stickers produced motherfucking stat.

Honorable mention goes to Hogan's vexation that the mysterious running liquid is less than scalding in temperature. Gentlemen, we may have just discovered the aphoristic ying to Paris Hilton's yang.

And the Japanese sub-titles and concluding promo by a nappy headed Big Shew are just icing on the cake. Dare I say it...I YouTube clip EVER!

Enjoy. Again and again.


Pencil Neck Geek said...

"It's not hot!"

Wow, what an absolute mind-fuck. Makes me wonder what the Pastamania kitchen might have been slipping in the Hulkaroo marinara sauce...

Malibu Sands said...

Mundane tasks such as hand washing and garden hose operating must be quite an anxiety riddled adventure for the Hulkster.