Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Yr Old Skool WCCW Superstar of the Week

Gino "The Handsome Half-Breed" Hernandez


Jim Gillette said...

Either he's a giant, or his belt's tiny.

"Half-breed". Beautiful. If things hadn't have changed, R-Truth's new name would be "Ronald 'the Amazing leaping negro' Killings".

Malibu Sands said...

PNG: Thank you for agreeing to take over the ol' skool foto of the week bit so I devote more time to blending fruity drinks and smoking macanudo's.

LC: It's a title from the early 1980s, so of course the belt's tiny and fairly simplistic, hence its beauty (although it's no Texas Heavyweight Championship...see the archived old skool title belts of the week for more information). As for the nickname, I believe Gino came up with that himself.

Funny. I often refer to Shelton Benjamin as "The Amazing Leaping Negro." I prefer to call Ron The Truth "The Amazing Flippity Floppity Negro."


The Rev. von Fury said...

Small the belt may be, but a tiny hand-mirror, razor blade ,and .22 cal pistol don't take up much space to stash.

Malibu Sands said...

If Gary Hart were (a) still alive; (b) a reader of Arabian Facebuster; and (c) compelled to comment on this post, he would no doubt contribute a quote along the lines of the following...

"Gino loved the cocaine."