Friday, November 21, 2008

Yr Old Skool Friday Flashback 'O the Wk.

The Pencil Neck Geek Enjoys Some Hobby- Time with the Hulkster circa 2005.


Pencil Neck Geek said...

Ah, the memories come flooding back... Triumph over adversity. Stopping at nothing to achieve what seemed to be an impossible dream. A sense of accomplishment no one can ever take away from me.

Yep, the year I spent completing that Hulk Hogan puzzle was one of the best of my life.

The Rev. von Fury said...

There must be a whole lotta' jigsawin' goin down at the Geek Household!

After all, what better way to pass the time than piecing together gleaming gold and bronze puzzle pieces of the Hulkster's glistenin' and glowing flesh?

Especially when The Pencil Necked Geek's VCR/DVD/TiVO/Disc Drive letter C: et al. is so obviously malfunctioning as to prevent him from fulfilling his Umaga-Loving WrestleMania Wagering Duties.

Ahem. Ahem.
The Rev.