1. I now sleep in a six-sided bed.
2. Like Mike Tenay, I wear a tuxedo morning, noon, and night.
3. Instead of exchanging a high-five or chest bump with another fan at a sporting event, I reciprocate the gesture with a Black Hole Slam.
4. I take my vacations exclusively at Universal Studios, Orlando FL.
5. When driving past a particularly nasty traffic accident, I roll down my window and yell "GORE, GORE, GORE" at the bewildered, often critically wounded, motorists.
6. I have bulked up significantly with the help of Morphoplex: Ultimate Fat Burner . . . I now possess the physique and muscle definition of Don West.
7. My girlfriend and I have incorporated Petey Williams' "Canadian Destroyer" into our foreplay repertoire.
My loyalty and heartfelt gratitude goes out to TNA for helping me attain a higher level of self-awareness and contentment.
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