Facebusterists, I wanted to update you on the whole Randy Orton
trashing a hotel room in Europe fiasco. As part of our ongoing investigation of the matter, Arabian Facebuster has obtained irrefutable photographic evidence illustrating the extent of the carnage wrought.
WARNING: The image below is graphic, profoundly disturbing, and damning. Proceed with prudence. As a precaution, I would advise you to ask the wife and kids, or anybody with an especially weak constitution, to leave the room immediately.
I don't doubt that the Randy Orton apologists and lickspittles out there are already calling into question the authenticity of this image and the means by which it was obtained while concurrently trying to discredit Arabian Facebuster as nothing more than a shadowy operation run by Orton's fanatical and vengeful
My friends, these allegations couldn't be further from the truth. Arabian Facebuster is an empirical, pragmatic, reality-based enterprise. Under no circumstances do we falsify information, predetermine our conclusions, engage in wanton speculation, or set out to ruin lives and reputations. The fact of the matter is that Randy Orton is both a habitual gym bag crapper AND a moderately priced, tastefully decorated hotel room trasher. Reputable independent sources have substantiated the validity of our contentions. For chrise sakes people, we're not talking the Niger yellowcake uranium forgeries. It's a slam dunk!
I'll stake my journalistic reputation on it.