Nor are we awarding honorary Facebuster author/contributor status to Buck Rock and/or Roll Zumhofe. We won't, for we have aversion towards -- check that, a rational and genuine fear of -- midgets interacting in civil society, let alone locking up in a wrestling ring with, folk from an vertically unimpeded persuasion. And Buck Zumhofe is both a known associate and staunch ally of midgets and midget related causes, like middle turnbuckle smashes, cowering behind a referee's lower thigh, and having sentiments other than sheer revulsion and utter contempt towards Hornswaggle.
Rather, we're curating a 4th annual and what may end up being the final Staff Conference and Fan Conclave in the birthplace of PastaMania! and sure to be the mausoleum of the Rock&/0r Roller, the Twin Cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, MN. And we're convening during WrestleMania weekend, March 26-28!!!
WrestleMania prognostications, live PPV viewership, hours upon hours of assorted VHS and DVD watching, (crosses fingers) live wrestling from the F1RST pro crew, growlers, boots, Von Furious tall boys, the egging followed by the pillaging of the Zumhofe family rambler, and sporadic to non-existent live-blogging will be the order of the weekend.
Book your transportation, lodging, and yr weekend itinerary of unfettered, carefree debauchery post haste!
1 comment:
I hope TSA doesn't give me a hard time about bringing my talking Randy Orton doll along in my carry on luggage.
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