Not unlike "Nature Boy" Ric Flair during a
sabbatical away from further tarnishing his professional wrestling legacy, Bottom Line (aka "Stone Cold" Steve Austin), pictured above expediting the extinction of a wildlife preserve, also keeps himself busy. Hunting with bow and arrow. Yes, sir. Drinking can after can of domestic swill beer. Check. Perpetrating acts of domestic violence on the wife/live-in-girlfriend of the moment that, if he's not careful, will surely get his mug plastered in
Bu$ted. Oh, sure. Organizing his closet full of leather vests and jean shorts. You betcha. Starring in straight to video
movies that feature punching and not much else. Aw, yeah!
Up next for Bottom Line: Following in the footsteps of
'Naitch and giving NASCAR
flag waving a try. Not to be confused with
(uniting) towel waving.
Rest assured, Arabian Facebuster is working the garage area at the California Speedway to confirm whether Bottom Line will enter his
monster truck or
Zamboni in this weekend's Auto Club 500.
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