For touching himself* as he ogles his daughter and her gay best friend splish splashing in the pool.
*Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Hulkster is a righty. I am basing this presumption his tendency to exclusively throw his patented feeble, wobbly looking punches with that which case, the Hulkster appears to be pleasuring himself here with a technique known as "The Stranger."
The Grapplers (Len Denton and Tony Anthony, who also worked unhooded as gay redneck duo The Dirty White Boys), circa 1983 in Joe Blanchard's Southwest Championship Wrestling territory. Len Denton went on to wrestle as The Grappler in the Dallas and Portland territories.
According to a criminal report filed in Pittsburgh today, Kurt Angle has been arrested and is currently in the Allegheny County Jail. There was an altercation at the home of Kurt Angle involving Angle and girlfriend Trenesha Biggers, aka TNA's Rhaka Khan. Biggers went to police and filed a protection from abuse order against Angle, and police came and removed Angle from the home this morning.
At around 8AM, Biggers called police again, stating that Angle was stalking her. She had gone to a Starbucks to use the internet, and told police that Angle had her phone and had been circling the parking lot. She claimed Angle was deleting photos from the phone, which were described as "pictures of abuse".
Angle was questioned by police, under suspicion of DUI, and when they searched the vehicle, they found used syringes and two vials of HGH. Angle claimed that he had a prescription for the medication, and could provide that to police.
Greetings Facebuster nation...Malibu Sands here posting under the Pencil Neck Geek moniker...too hung over to log into my own account.
Last night during night three of Arabian Facebuster's staff conferencing and fan conclaving at Chez Geek, the inaugural Hogan Family Death Pool drawing was held...sometime in between our switch from Heineken tall boys to Hamm's tall boys and switch from triple ay-ah featuring Teddy Hart absolutely murdering Jack Evans with an assortment of flippity floppery and the perpetration of clown violence on a balding X-Pac to TNA! featuring Kevin Nash cutting an indifferent 20 minute promo on his dearth of motivation and abundance of cash and some TV-14 close ups of The Beautiful People's surgical enhancements.
Hogan Family Death Pool assignments are as follows:
Pencil Neck Geek=stripper and diamond encrusted grillz accessorizer Brooke;
Apollo Spas=Charlie spooge receptacle and assorted over the counter pills popper Linda;
Rev. Von Fury=skin cancer afflicted and official uniting towel wave ruiner the Hulkster, brother;
Malibu Sands=reckless drifter n' driver and occassional in the poop hole taker Nick.
... and your Sexy Action News Team was there. There being a parking lot of a furniture liquidator in deep SE Portland. Unfortunately, all the Crown Royal and Shasta cola in the world couldn't compensate for the general lack of actual Lucha Libre at the event (only two proper matches). The rest of the time was spent watching some local joes from Portland Wrestling (next appearing at Mattress World in Salem- I'm not kidding) slugging it out until our headliners arrived with the lighting rig (again, not kidding). The lucha action, once it got going, garnered a good response from the crowd (which did include at least one whistling Mexican grandmother) and was generally well executed. The notable exception to this was Psicosis, whose only function in the match seemed to be readjusting the lighting rig on the top turnbuckle every time an Irish whip was executed. Something to tell the grand kids about, for sure.
In the spirit of cutting edge journalism (and my own laziness), I'll allow Apollo Spas' Twitter Account fill you in on the rest of the gory details.
(Yrs truly, momentarily setting aside my grudge with Psicosis for a cheap photo op)
I realize that for those buffs and enthusiasts of random Great American Bash Clip Friday, getting through today must feel like the equivalent of a yearlong post postpartum depression. Luckily, Arabian Facebuster has got the prescription for yr post-Bash blues...two of the most highly regarded, beloved, gifted American Wrestling Association personalities -- Larry "Oh Geez Oh Criminy"Nelson and Buck "I Find Shorts Constricting"Zumhoffe standing coked up shoulder to coked up shoulder, close talkin'! And for the proverbial marinara dipping sauce frosting on the ol' cheese curd cake, they are joined by country strong, bland babyface Leon "Baby Bull" White who would of course eventually gain far greater prominence and compensation as Big Van Vader...and later as The Man That They Call Vader.
Oh, and alternative but ultimately unselected titles for this post include: "Buck Zumhof: Privileged AND Honored..." "Buck Zumhofe: Loves People Standing Behind Him Chanting Rock & Roll..." "Leon White: Submarine. Buck Zumhoff: Torpedo." "AWA Fans: Could Care Less What Leon White Has 2 Say..." and "Buck ZumHofe: Loves to Squeeze Leon White's Burly Chest."