That leaves Arabian Facebuster no option...in the next 45 minutes, we must find a way to (a) keep the sun high in the sky in perpetuity; or (b) destroy the Hogan compound; (c) destroy the town of Clearwater, Florida in which the Hogan compound is located; or (d) just go ahead and destroy the entire state of Florida.
Sigh, at this 11th hour, I suspect option A might be the most feasible.
Please also file this post under Reason #33 to Despise Hulk Hogan.
Noooooo... It looks like we're too late. However, destroying the town of Clearwater, Florida still sounds like a reasonable response.
There are reports of a brawl breaking out at the wedding- I can only hope that involved you, Malibu Sands, parachuting in at the precise moment the presiding official asked the spectators to speak now or forever hold their peace.
Will their Kids look like their kids?
The brawl you speak of was me fighting Brian Knobbs for the Hulkster's man bouquet, which consisted of a ripped t-shirt.
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