...Malibu Sands...
is going to...RASSLIN!!!...
...Cheering Rocky Mountain Thunder as he scuffles barefoot without pain, that's RASSLIN...Listening to Glen Goza as he butchers the refrain, that's RASSLIN...Watching Marty Jannetty flush his career down the drain, that's RASSLIN...Hanging with Gino Hernandez as snorts a sugar bowl full of cocaine, that's RASSLIN...
...R-A-S-S-L-I-N that's RASSLIN!
LIVE this Saturday night...The superstars of the IWA! Including but most certainly not limited to something called "7 Feet of Sexy" Patrick Lomax!?!? In a venue dubiously named "The Basement Bar" in downtown Prior Lake, MN!!! That's right, yrs truly Malibu Sands along with one Vixie Viscosinator will be donning our respective Schmidt's Beer and John Deere hats to commemorate this ideal occasion for drinking oneself into a delirious stupor and slurring sentiments at our fellow bar patrons best left unslurred.
And this most gawkable Arabian Facebuster Sexy Action News Team (Senior) Correspondent has got you covered, Facebuster Nation. For I'll be providing live, streaming, and an arguably steaming pile of coverage of all of the audibly called and/or blown spots, unimaginative gimmicks, overbooked shenanigans, paint by numbers attempts to generate a semblance of crowd heat/interest, dirtball fan antics, and evening beer specials via my twitter feed.
So on Saturday night, follow my shit. It behooves you.
For I'm going to RASSLIN...R-A-S-S-L-I-N that's RASSLIN...
Malibu Sands and Ms. Viscosinator firing back Surlys (and perhaps a steamed ham or two) at the World Famous Basement Bar and Grill whilst soon to be legends such as JB Trask and some Road Warrior knock off dudes do battle? Yes please!
Rest assured, I will be following- and watching American Starship/Super Assassin vs. Zambouie Bros/Assassin #1 on repeat for between tweet entertainment.
Damn weather. We're expecting a pretty significant snow storm on Saturday...hoping I can still go to rasslin...
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