1. Should we continue with our orientation which punishes futility (person with the least correct picks suffers an excruciating fate) or switch to a system that rewards excellence (person with the most correct picks gets to assign punishment to the person of his choice)?
2. For the Money In the Bank match, should we have some sort of random drawing out of a hat (a la the Hogan Family Death Pool) where each participant is assigned his/her own unique MITB participant?
3. What should the stakes be? Whatever it is, I think it should fairly accessible/easy to obtain yet arduous to sit through for all participants. Recapping the Kane 3 disc DVD (not on the Netflix, BTW)? How about a John Cena or Undertaker DVD? Or how about the Hulk Still Rules DVD which released around the same as the book? How about having to "live blog" or recap a PPV stinker. Think 2006's ECW December to Dismember or the 2002 King of the Ring, or WrestleMania IX levels of unwatchability. Having to read and recap The Hardy Boyz book Exist 2 Inspire? Having to watch one or more volumes of G.L.O.W.? Having to create your own "Danielson Bryanson" tee-shirt and wear it out in public? Oh, I got how about having to read and recap the Hulkster's other book "My Life Outside the Ring"?
4. What about a "Spin the Wheel" component (a la the RAW Roulette from a few years back) where there are a number of wacky and terrible prizes. Before the PPV we would each spin the wheel (or draw from my mesh Schmidt's Beer hat) so everybody is assigned a stakes is high. The person with the fewest correct picks would then be obligated to follow through on their assignment. And if there is a tie for last, then BOTH persons would have to fulfill their duties.
Whaddya think?
As long as Malibu draws Matt Hardy for the MitB match, I'm in...
Spin the wheel. I'd say this wheel's composition shall consist of not less than 3 paper plates of varying sizes (pref. colours) and be held together with either 1 brass brad, or a lit cigarette, as described robustly in the Stakes is High official rule book. Ch. 2 sec. IV Article 3.C..
Maybe we could have a special side drawing and wager for a MITB lottery. Loser has to drunk dial Buck Rock and/or Roll Zumhofe's daughter Heather "The Virgin" Zumhofe and ask her out on a date?!?
I've been drinking all day and trying to make it through "TNA'S Best of the Bloodiest Brawls Volume One," so none of this makes any sense to me... or perhaps it makes too MUCH sense.
Has a Thunder In Paradise anthology been released on DVD yet!?
And Apollo, if you want to turn yr buzz towards a more positive mindset, go into the not too distant archives and find the Friday Night Videos featuring Gino Hernandez vs. Tom Pritchard. Me think you'll likey very much!!!
But if you wish to augment the negativity and confusion, then click play on the Greg Gagne match below.
Oh, and for yr sake Apollo, and for what little credibility and goodwill TNA has left, I hope that Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner match from Destination X 2007 we watched at the inaugural AFSC&FC was not included on the DVD.
I'm liking the idea of the random MitB draw and the Rev's spinny wheel.
So much crap to choose from! Perhaps 3 stages of Hell for the loser?
Hulk Hogan's Wrestling Boot Band CD and Season 1 of Wrestling Society X are cheap on Amazon...
The Marine?
See No Evil starring Kane should be included on the wheel.
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