And nobody outside th' Big Apple will get to see it, because the mopes at TNA haven't figured out how to take their TV show on the road. Never mind that they insist on quixotically sending their PPVs to all corners of our great nation (torpedoing their own crowd response, BTW),the logistics of televising their NYC Supercard (trademark Arabian Facebuster, in case you're wondering) have left the TNA braintrust baffled.
Instead, we're getting some NASCAR crossover triple threat bullshit. Just this Monday, a hastily-convened Facebuster conference concluded that triple threat matches suck by definition, but sticking three NASCAR geeks into the mix? Unwatchable.
I got my Thursday nights off for this?
My sentiments regarding the direction that TNA! has gone in can best be summed up by the no doubt juiced up philosopher-sailor Popeye: "I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more."
TNA is, for my money, much more frustrating than WWE, in that I CARE about TNA... making it difficult to even joke about 'em. They've got some impressive young talent, some quality veterans, and their hearts seem to be at least in the general proximity of the right place. They really do have all the ingredients they need for success, but they seem DETERMINED to suck.
I mean, fuck, Samoa Joe STILL hasn't had a title run? Are you fucking kidding me?
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