Hulk Hogan, I must ask you now, as you asked me, do you Hulk Hogan want your ideas, your beliefs to live forever? For Hulk Hogan, in this NORMAL world, physically, none of us can live forever. But the places you have taken the Hulkamaniacs, the ideas and beliefs you have given them, can live through me Hulk Hogan. That is why I breathe; that is why the warrior's have come.
Hulk Hogan, there are ones who question where you are taking them. Do you no longer want to walk or step into that darkness? Hulk Hogan, the darkness I speak of is nothing to fear. It is about the beliefs and accepting any and all challenges at the cost of losing everything, Hulk Hogan.
You have lived, Hulk Hogan...for this one belief. Now Hulk Hogan, I come to take what you believe in further than you ever could. I come, Hulk Hogan, not to destroy the Hulkamaniacs and Hulkamania. I come, Hulk Hogan, to bring the warriorahs and Hulkamaiacs together as one; as we, Hulk Hogan, accept all the challenges with all the strengths of the warriorahs and the Hulkamaniacs together.
Hulk Hogan, the colors of the Hulkamaniacs are coming through the pours of our skin. And Hulk Hogan, when we meet, Hulk Hogan, I will look at you and you will realize then that I have come to do no one no harm. But only, Hulk Hogan, to take what we both believe in to places it shall never have been.
Sincerest regards,
The Ultimate Warrior
PS: That Sean Mooney is nothing but a NORMAL, he doesn't deserve to breathe the same air that you and I do.
I miss Sean Mooney. I really, really do...
There are easily more clips of Sean Mooney running down matches from the "WWF Control Center" and conducting interviews on Saturday Night's Main Event than there are of that "Leave Britney Alone" dick munch and that plumpy dumperson waste of bandwidth "Star Wars Boy."
See loyal Arabian Facebuster reader the Fritzer for an overview the etymology of the phrases "plumpy dumperson" and "dumpy pumperson."
Pencil Neck Geek, might you be commissioned to spearhead a "Sean Mooney Appreciation" Week here at Arabian Facebuster!?
Is a week really adequate?
I hereby declare the entire year of 2008 to celebrating Sean Mooney's achievements in mediocrity!
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