Hands a-tremble, I raced back here to let y'all in on the sweet sweet gossip, but further attempts at verification were met with utter frustration: the story had vanished, leaving only an infuriating "story redirected" marker as testament to its passing.
So, I cannot inform you what shitty Miller product Nick was (allegedly) shotgunning before putting his best friend into a coma. I cannot inform you what brand of Light Beer the Idiot Son will be using to self-medicate his way out of his pre-prison depression. I cannot inform you how much he spent on ice (I think it was $1.99, but whatevs). All I can do is promise to give you fine people a link to the story at such time as it reappears on our plane of existence, much like the fabled city of K'un Lun in the excellent Iron Fist comics. Hopefully it won't take ten years, is all.
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