What does the sports entertainment future hold in store for Monty? A begrudging return to the TNA for another protracted feud with the aimless Rhino, along with the inevitable inclusion in the whole Pac-Man Jones/Ron "The Truth" Killings discomfiture? Towel boy for the Buffalo Bills? Teaching aspiring grapplers how to arbitrarily name drop the Serengeti in every single one of their promos? Trailblazing across this majestic land of ours a la Lewis & Clark in search of the finest in buffet cuisine with the underemployed "Big T" Tony Norris?
Thank you Monty, for providing the readers of Arabian Facebuster over the years with
So much potential wasted... wait. A moderate amount of potential wasted. Yes, he was clearly the weak link in that Rhino/Samoa Joe falls-count-anywhere classic... but HE WAS THERE! This means that Monty Brown has been in at least one (1) memorable match. That puts him ahead of the majority of the WWE's main event players. Khali? Got him beat. Deuce and Domino? Got 'em beat. MVP? Got him beat, plus it looks like Monty's gonna outlive him. C'mon, WWE. Fire Mark Henry and let Monty call the Undertaker "hippophant" for a while.
To your point, I would counterpoint that every single Khali match I have ever watched has been memorable. Jaw dropping, head shaking, reexamining why I continue to watch WWE programming memorable.
In all seriousness, I would like to see Monty go back to TNA...they got two hours of television to fill starting in October and Brown certainly could be a compelling character. A face Abyss vs. heel Brown or a heel Roode vs. face Brown would be a couple of new matchups. Hell, if nothing else just let him wrestle squash matches every week against Shark Boy that conclude with a POUNCE!
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